Download AOL Gold by Internet Explorer

AOL is the short abbreviation for ‘America-online.’ It is one of the top email service provider company based in New York, United States. AOL Desktop Gold is the latest application of AOL with features like emailing, browsing, conversation, etc. AOL intensely works on the security aspects. Its premium security features ensure the security of the user's data when they browse the web, sending emails, etc. When a user visits the dangerous sites on AOL Desktop Gold, then application gives an alert to users. It also prevents their users from hackers and therefore it is one of the safest and secure networks in the world.



Users can get the access to AOL Desktop Gold by downloading it from the official website. Customers can use Internet Explorer to download the AOL Desktop Gold application. Below is the required step by step guidance for the users to AOL Gold Download from the Internet Explorer:

  • Tap on the download or upgrade now button on the AOL desktop gold page.
  • Select the “Save” option and wait to start downloading.
  • Open “View Download” option from settings.
  • Now click on Instexe from the download list and tap run to start the download.
  • Select “INSTALL NOW.”
  • Now AOL Desktop Gold installing on your computer.
  • After installation, fill your username and continue
  • Now type your password.
  • Congrats, you now have AOL Desktop Gold installed on your system.

Therefore by following the above steps, you can easily download the AOL Desktop Gold from internet explorer and so enjoy the advanced services of AOL. But sometimes users find technical glitches which are necessary to eliminate and therefore, there is a need for technical assistance. Users can contact our AOL Desktop Gold support Number +1-844-443-3244 to get assistance from our well-qualified technicians and engineers. Our technical team is available 24*7-365 days for customer support.


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