How to Download & Install AOL Desktop Gold Easily?

Email is one of the fastest and convenient ways to send messages or data. It is also the safest way to send your data. Besides that users also browse website but the security of data is concerned for them. AOL Desktop Gold provides all these important services to the users. It is one of the safest applications based on latest technology. Users not only send emails but also browse any website by AOL Desktop Gold application.


Besides this, you can also have the conversation with your friends and family members; search any content through AOL Desktop gold application. To enjoy these services users need to download AOL Desktop Gold on their desktop or laptops and therefore install it accordingly. To download this application user need to follow the steps given below.


                               Download AOL Desktop Gold

Based on the subscription, there is some difference for the users to Download AOL Gold. Below is the details are given to Download AOL Desktop Gold for the different users


If you are an AOL Advantage Plan member-

With AOL advantage plan there is no additional cost with your membership; you just follow the steps below

your AOL account at
Go to ‘All products’ and then scroll to ‘AOL Desktop Gold’
Now click on Download Now
For installation, follow the steps below


If you have an AOL Desktop Gold subscription or trial

Click ‘Manage My Subscription’
Now click on Premium Subscription tab
Now tap on Get Started under ‘AOL Desktop Gold’
For installation, follow the steps below


Using the link in the Official AOL signup confirmation email you received

Search “Get Started with AOL Desktop Gold” or “Start enjoying the new AOL Desktop” in your inbox.

Open your email
Now click on ‘Download AOL Desktop Gold’
Move to Downloads folder and click on Save button
For installation, follow the steps below
The above three methods are used to Download AOL Desktop Gold. Now users need to install the downloaded AOL file by following steps

                                      Install AOL Desktop Gold

Firstly open your Download folder
Double click the Install AOL Desktop icon. Now a security window opens
Now click on Run.
Click Installation Now. (You may be directed to uninstall older versions or import your mail. If yes, then click Yes and OK)
Congratulation now AOL Desktop Gold is successfully downloaded and install in your system.


Therefore by following the above steps, the users can download and install AOL desktop gold easily. However, in some steps, users find technical glitches in downloading or installing AOL gold. Therefore there is a need for technical guidance for the users also. We are third party AOL gold support service provider. We have a team of experts who are always ready to resolve your issues with 100% resolution. You can contact our AOL Gold Support number +1-844-443-3244 available 24*7.


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